Bridges' Board of Trustees is composed of a diverse group of people who are concerned about education and students with special needs. They are volunteering their time and skills to help the school's work to educate students and serve families in DC. The board of trustees includes at least two parent board members so that parents have a voice in the governance and on-going development of the school.

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Rikki Hunt Taylor

Vice Chairperson of the Board and Co-Chair of the School Performance Committee


Hassan Dhouti

Secretary and Co-Chair School Performance Committee

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Olivia Smith

President of the Corporation

Bridges Official Public Notices and Schedule

Board Schedule 2023-2024

September 12, 2023

October 10, 2023

November 14, 2023

January 16, 2024

March 12, 2024

May 14, 2024

June 18, 2024 - (SY24–25 Budget review and ratification)*

This calendar includes the number of meetings that are required as defined in the school's bylaws.  Per new DC law meetings as of Oct. 1, 2020 meetings will be open to the public unless set to be a closed session in full or part per allowable reasons under DC law.  Additional board meetings may be added or dates may change. The most current information will be on the school's website.

Public Notice: Board of Trustees Meeting - September 12, 2023

Public Notice: Board of Trustees Meeting - October 10, 2023

Public Notice: Board of Trustees Meeting - November 14, 2023

Public Notice: Board of Trustees Meeting - November 28, 2023

Public Notice: Board of Trustees Meeting - January 16, 2024

Public Notice: Board of Trustees Meeting - March 12, 2024

Public Notice: Board of Trustees Meeting - May 14, 2024

Public Notice: Board of Trustees Meeting - June 18, 2024